The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) is the regulator of Bermuda’s financial services industry. Established by statute in 1969, the BMA has changed significantly over almost five decades to meet the changing needs of the financial services sector on a local and global scale. The comprehensive macroprudential regulatory approach has become an integral part of its tool kit in reducing the risk of instability of the financial services sector. Coupled with this approach is the BMA’s sup- port of Bermuda’s overall framework in order to create a secure and stable financial environment in Bermuda whilst ensuring that the island remains an attractive jurisdiction for conducting local and international business. Additional responsibilities for the BMA include issuing Bermuda’s national cur- rency, managing exchange control transactions, assisting other agencies with the detection and prevention of financial crime, and advising the government on banking and other financial and monetary matters. The BMA develops risk-based financial regulations that it applies to the supervision of Bermuda’s banks, trust companies, investment businesses, investment funds, fund administrators, money ser- vice businesses, corporate service providers, and insurance companies. It also regulates the Bermuda Stock Exchange.